If you're anything like us, you feel burned out a lot of the time. That's why we built a church to keep it simple, sustainable, and unpretentious. We invest all our time, money, and energy in these three simple steps to spiritual growth. We're trying to build a church at the intersection of God and people, and we hope you'll join us.
SUNDAYS | 10:15AM (ET)
We'd love to have you join us! Click whichever worship experience interests you!
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Current series
The gospel of luke
Luke was a doctor-turned-journalist who accounted the events of the life of Jesus.
What he found might surprise you.
Check out the latest message HERE.
Faith Builders
Cross of Life sees its niche in the community as "teaching." We believe that a person should not have a blind faith, but instead should be informed about what the Bible says and have it applied to them specifically if they are going to believe.
Therefore, we offer Faith Builders, a one-on-one "kickstart" to biblical knowledge with Pastor Caleb. There's no obligation. It's just a chance for you to find out exactly what the Bible teaches in its own words and ask any questions you might have. If you disagree with what we teach, that's fine! At least you had the integrity to explore it before you rejected it. But we suspect you'll find something that you can't find anywhere else.
Click Here to Contact Us if you're interested in Faith Builders.
We aren't perfect, and we aren't expecting you to be either.
No, life at Cross of Life is just like life everywhere else...imperfect. But that's why we think you'll fit right in.
We're all imperfect, but what brings us together on a Sunday morning is the amazing message that God has given his Son, Jesus Christ, to forgive imperfect people.
So, come for the food, the music, the friendship, and all the other things we love about our congregation. But most importantly, come because we have something to tell you that will change your life. Come as you are, and hear about a God who has loved you more than you ever imagined.