Easter at Cross of Life

Because of Easter, Christianity is true and is able to provide you hope that nothing else in the world can. 

Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be God's Son and claimed he could prove it by coming back to life after he was crucified, and then HE DID IT! The evidence to that fact is overwhelming, and no one has produced a viable alternative theory to what happened to the body of Jesus. 

We hope you will explore the history of Holy Week and Easter this year with us. Make each of these worship opportunities a priority this year and find the rich message of a life that is truly life in Jesus.

Easter proves Christianity true!

That's a bold claim, we know! But we've got evidence to back it up. 

Holy Week Worship

Palm Sunday (3/24)


Join us in-person or online.

We focus on the Passion Narrative of Jesus from Luke's perspective. 

Holy Thursday (3/28)


Join us in-person or online.

We focus on the purpose and power of the Lord's Supper.

Good Friday (3/29)


Join us in-person or online.

We focus on the 7 words Jesus spoke from the cross and their importance for us.

Easter Sunday (3/31)

7:30am | Easter Vigil/Sunrise Service

This service will not be streamed.

This special service highlights our baptism and important readings of Scripture. 

10:15am | Easter Festival Service

Join us in-person or online. 

This is the high festival service for the resurrection of Jesus. 

[NOTE: These two services are different from each other]

And don't forget easter breakfast!

You're invited to join us between our Easter Vigil and Easter Festival services for our Easter breakfast. 

It's free! Just let us know that you're coming by signing up here: https://forms.gle/8peDWiV3BynXqMacA

We will begin serving breakfast at about 9:00am.

Palm Sunday

Here's the plan for Palm Sunday...

  • Attend Worship at 10:15am
  • Historically the Christian Church has read through the narrative of the betrayal, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus on this Sunday in order to orient ourselves for the celebration of Holy Week. 

Holy Thursday

Take some time for worship focused on the importance of the Lord's Supper.

Worship with us at 7:00pm on March 28.

Good Friday

Here's the plan for Good Friday...

  • Worship @ 2:00pm.
  • This important service focuses on the 3 hours that Jesus hung on the cross to suffer for our sin. We walk through the 7 things that Jesus said from the cross and how profound they are for us.

Easter Vigil

The Church remembers the new life that Jesus has given us by his resurrection at the Easter Vigil service. We focus on our baptism and how Jesus uses our baptism to save us. This very visually interesting service is very unique and definitely helps us focus on our need for a saviour and how Jesus is that saviour.

Join us at 7:30am on Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday

Christ is Risen! Here's the plan for Easter Sunday...

  • Join us at 10:15am for the Easter Festival Service on Easter Sunday. This service celebrates the fact and joy that Christ is Risen and that changes everything!